
Monday, 30 July 2018

My Basic Facts times tables

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are
the knowledge I need to help me with strategies
to solve Maths problems.

Today I got 9/36 : ) I need to do my find the factor

Last week I got 6/36 I still need to do my find the factor

My Basic facts

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to
remember my Basic Facts because of they
are the knowledge
I need to help me with strategies to solve
Maths problems.

Today I got 33/60 I need to work on my 100s & 1000s

Friday: I got 27/30 I kinda need to work on my groups to 100

Friday, 27 July 2018

Read Theory QAR slides


We can show our understanding of the text we are reading by summarising what we have read in our own words.

We can show our understanding of the text we are reading by answering the questions correctly

We can show our understanding of what we have done wrong by explaining what we should have done

Learning goal

We are learning to show our understanding of the text we are reading by summarising what we have read in our own words.

We are learning to show our understanding of the text we are reading by answering the questions correctly

We are learning to show our understanding of what we have done wrong by explaining what we should have done

Silent Reading Challenge cards

Image result for return of the mummy bookImage result for monster blood

My Read theory SUMMARISING Slides


We can show our understanding of the text we are reading
by summarising what we have read in our own words.

We can show our understanding of the text we are reading
by answering the questions correctly

We can show our understanding of what we have done wrong
by explaining what we should have done

Learning goal

We are learning to show our understanding of the text we are reading by summarising what we have read in our own words.

We are learning to show our understanding of the text we are reading by answering the questions correctly

We are learning to show our understanding of what we have done wrong by explaining what we should have done

Typing test

I am practicing my typing so I can be
quicker and more accurate.

This will help me finish my work faster.

Today: My score today score was 181  

Monday: On Monday I scored 173 which is a good score 

Monday, 23 July 2018

My Basic Facts

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are
the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve
Maths problems.

Today: I got 44/60 which is a very normal score 

 Monday: I got 41/60 I need to work on division 

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

The chapter I have read today

Today I read that Evan had gotten bored and was thinking Trigger at some monster blood but he was seeing things Read more Goosebumps!