My learning goal is writing about Lady of fatma and telling how I felt
This is the picture of Mary I really.3 like the rosaries. The thing I never knew was that she appeared to 3 children. And she had THE. BIGGEST pull off and put on crown it was surprising that she had a horn on her head. And the. Rosary's was a nice blue colour and I like sing the song but kinda hurt my wrist. when waving but. That was okay but the part I got confused at was how the lighting came but I got it later. Then I really. Like how sister claya was telling the story about her parents coming back because I think that's nice. And I really liked the suture but I did not notice the spike in her head but all to say it was great. Because the nuns there were leaving it here till 2 and that’s my experience with the suture.
But the thing is I like the most is seeing the statue because I think it was great.
I not made anyone check it but I check It so that's why it might have mistakes and some random word but I did not rush and make it look bad.
I did not put in adjectives because I did not have the brain to do it