
Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Silent reading

Image result for Monster blood Today I have read 14 - 28 and I read that Even is that Andy meet's this girl called Andrea but she thinks she has a dumb name so she makes everyone call her Andy. So when Andy ask's Even if he wants to come with her in to town so Even says yes. And brings Tigger with him and that is all I have read today! come back tomorrow to see more! bye

Monday, 28 May 2018

Silent reading the end

Image result for the beast from the east Today I have finished the book and This is what happened Ginger and Nat got caught and were getting Put on a huge grill to be eaten when that was happening Ginger Thought that Pat would get away by climbing a tree and find help When she was think that Spork put Pat next to Ginger and Nat. This is the end you may think but it's not because when that happened Fleg said WHAT! and they all got confused your level 3 Fleg said where level 1 ohhh my gosh I am so embarrassed so then they untied them and they ran off Ginger was so happy that they got away then they saw there parents and want home the end NOT when they were running back a Beast the had never saw came out and said hey! your level 3 me too! then it said tag your it!   

Friday, 25 May 2018

My basic facts

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because
they are the knowledge I need to help me with
strategies to solve Maths problems.

Today: I got 41/60 Which is a good score for Timed

Monday: I got 37/60 which is bad but I got better today 

My typing test

I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.

This will help me finish my work faster.

Today: I got a brand new high score 183 27 WPM

Monday: I got a normal score 145 which is good
because im not going slow.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Silent reading

 Image result for the beast from the east  Today I have read 12-41 and what happens is this Pat makes a run from the Beasts and these Beasts want to play a game. The game is like Tag only different thing is if your still in YOU DIE YOU GET NIBBLED ON THE AT DINNER TIME NOM NOM NOM CHILD YOU DIEEEEEEEEE. So Ginger and Nat try to get away. When the stop hearing the Monsters laugh it sounds like coughing but like evil so this is the end result CHACHACHAHCHACBAHDCBAHCHAH and that is all I read in silent reading today   

Monday, 21 May 2018

Silent reading

Today I have read 1-12 my book is called The Beast from the East it is about a girl called Ginger and her brothers Nat and Pat when they go camping with there mum and dad and Ginger with her brothers get lost because they go and explore  then play hide and seek so they travel down the path the went near by and that is all I read today Image result for the beast from the east

Friday, 18 May 2018

Typing Test

I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.

This will help me finish my work faster.

Monday: I got 162 which is a very very normal score

Today: I got a very very high score 

My basic facts

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are
the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to
solve Maths problems.

Monday I got 50/60 which is a better score then today's score

Today: I got 30/60 I need to work on mt Groupings within 100

Monday, 14 May 2018

Silent reading

Image result for legend of the lost legend   Today I read that Justin and Marissa found a Dog called Silverdog and  Silverdog had a note with him and the note said I KNOW WHY YOUR HERE FOLLOW SILVERDOG so they start to follow after walking for a bit they heard a noise and thats all I read today 

Friday, 11 May 2018

Silent reading The End of the book

Image result for why i'm afraid of bees Today I got to the end of my book what happens is that Gary stings "Himself" which is bad because if a honeybee uses its stinger it shall die but and when he does he changes back in to him old self after he mets a girl who went there to the person to person place after they became friends then he runs in to Dirk davis first he did't want to  talk to him but then he said sorry about the bee thing and he said the bee flunked all his math tests! and now I have a great life oh is that a dafadil ah I think ill have some pollen wow this is really great wow!

My basic facts

I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.
This will help me finish my work faster.

Today I got 31/60 Which is a very very natural for some reason

I got the same score

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

My Silent Reading

Image result for why i'm afraid of bees Today Gary got to Mrs Karmen and He got her to hear him and he tells what happens but then Mrs Karmen tells Gary that Dirk is in Gary's body but does't want to come out he said he wants to be in his body forever so you might think being Bee forever doesn't seem bad well IT IS because when a queen can live of 1-5 winters the other DIE in winter and it was nearly August so Gary had 1 or 2 months before hes dies. So he needs to get in his body or hes going to die! so he go's to Dirks house and see that when Gary swapped 

Monday, 7 May 2018

Silent Reading

Image result for why i'm afraid of bees Today I have read that Gary finds Himself and when he does he listens to what he says and the stuff are strange because when one of Kristy's friend's come (his sister) she says do you when do you want to go to skateboarding and when Gary tries to communicate he spell HELP ME GARY NOT BEE HOLP but it fails   

Friday, 4 May 2018

My Prior Knowledge about the Holy Spirit

This is my padlet showing my Prior Knowledge about the Holy Spirit 

Made with Padlet

My prior knowledge of a Recount

We had to write an explanation teaching someone how to write a recount. This is thew padlet with my prior knowledge about a recount
Made with Padlet

My Read Theory

Learning Goal: Is to read stories and put it in slides 

Success Criteria: We can show our understanding of the text we are reading by summarising what we have read in our own words.

We can show our understanding of the text we are reading by answering the questions correctly

We can show our understanding about what we have done wrong by explaining what we should have done

My basic facts

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they
are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to
solve Maths problems.

I got 31/60 my Gaps
are on Grouping
within 100 and Division +2 +5 +10

Monday: I got 27/60

Typing Test

I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.

This will help me finish my work faster.

Monday:  Today I got 138 witch is 28 WPM 

Today: ( Friday ) Today I got 146 witch 29 WPM and if you don't know what WPM means it says Words Per Minute take the first letters WPM 

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

My silent reading

Image result for why i'm afraid of bees Today I read about this boy called Gary Lutz he has a very miserable life because he has no friends at school hes on the same neighbourhood with his 3 bullies and his mum said shes going to call there parents but if she call's the there parents the bullies are going to kill him ( I mean by hurt him more like torture ) and his neighbour has Bees and Gary is afraid Bees and Mr Andretti ( the neighbour )  if he catches him look at him ( from his own backyard ) Mr Andretti makes a huge deal out of it and his sister does not like him but then Gary finds a ad on his Computer and it say's you swap someones life with them but when Gary go's to the spot of where it say to go it not what he thought it was and that is what I read today