Silent reading the end
Today I have finished the book and This is what happened Ginger and Nat got caught and were getting Put on a huge grill to be eaten when that was happening Ginger Thought that Pat would get away by climbing a tree and find help When she was think that Spork put Pat next to Ginger and Nat. This is the end you may think but it's not because when that happened Fleg said WHAT! and they all got confused your level 3 Fleg said where level 1 ohhh my gosh I am so embarrassed so then they untied them and they ran off Ginger was so happy that they got away then they saw there parents and want home the end NOT when they were running back a Beast the had never saw came out and said hey! your level 3 me too! then it said tag your it!
Hi Gabriel, my name is Summer. I like how descriptive your writing is. Your post reminds me about some of my posts because I have to describe lots of things about it. Maybe next time you could reread for sense and make sure your capitals are in the right place. Have you read any other Goosebumps books? Keep up the great work!